Bump Babes was born at the grocery aisle at the beginning of my first pregnancy in the summer of 2011. Charged with cravings, I was on the hunt for a quick, easy and convenient snack to eat on the go. Inundated with muesli bars, breakfast bars, energy bars. . .alien bars. . .I wasn’t sure what was best for me and my baby.
Then I had a lightbulb moment. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a yummy and nutritious pregnancy bar tailored to each trimester for expectant mothers like me while also helping the development of our growing babe? And wouldn’t it be even more AMAZING if a portion of the proceeds went to help other expectant mums caught in difficult stratas of the world? Giving back has always been at the core of my career aspirations.Then I thought, why stop at bars? Why not create an entire line of beauty and health products specifically for pregnant women? With that, Bump Babes was born! Alongside my perfect son Maxwell – a little miracle that came 10 weeks early due to a life threatening condition that I have, Preeclampsia, which causes kidney failure. Thanks to the highly skilled professionals at Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne, Victoria, my little bump babe is in the perfect bill of health. After spending 6 weeks and 6 days in the NICU, we were able to bring him home
As a mother, wife, creator, philanthropist, and businesswoman who is maintaining her life on dialysis while awaiting a kidney transplant, I am dedicated to making Bump Babes a success and a positive difference in the lives of expectant mums-to-be everywhere regardless of where they were born.

With love & light, Lesley Tozer

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